School Policies » Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

Importance of Attendance:

We value your commitment to ensuring that your child attends school regularly and for the full duration of instructional hours. Attendance plays a crucial role in a student's long-term success, and our goal is to achieve 100% attendance. Every absence results in a missed opportunity for learning; hence, we encourage consistent attendance to maximize educational growth. In alignment with NYC Public Schools guidelines, students are deemed chronically absent if they miss more than 10% of the school days in any academic year.


Attendance Monitoring and Intervention:

The excessive absence or lateness of any student will be thoroughly investigated and addressed according to Department of Education guidelines. Our school's attendance team will maintain regular communication with families of students at risk of chronic absenteeism to collaborate on strategies to improve attendance. Students with excessive absences or lateness are at risk of reaching Promotion-In-Doubt (PID) status due to missed work, potentially hindering academic progress.


Reporting an Absence:

Parents are required to report their child's absence by calling the school on the morning of the absence at (718) 366-7120. When reporting an absence, please provide your child's name, class, and reason for the absence. Upon the student's return to school, a signed note from the parent must be submitted. For absences due to illness, a doctor's note stating the reason for the absence is necessary. Parents anticipating their child's absence should send a note in advance stating the dates and reason for the upcoming absence.


Extended Vacations:

Extended holiday vacations or vacations outside of official school breaks are not sanctioned. In unavoidable circumstances such as family illness or bereavement, advanced documentation, including a copy of the child's airline ticket and contact information, must be provided to the main office to prevent automated reports to city agencies. To support continued education during extended vacations, teachers will provide students with activities to be completed to the best extent possible.

We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our attendance policy, as consistent attendance is fundamental to your child's academic success.